Monday 28 November 2011

Propaganda Poster

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Propaganda Poster Blog

Much research went into propaganda posters, looking at posters from the world war 1 and 2. (Can be seen in sketchbook). Most posters from the event of history and time period have many dark colours, such as dark blues, reds and browns. The background on most of the posters very much have dark creams or oranges. This makes the poster look dated ad give the poster a 20th century look to it. Much of my research came from the internet and online books looking at world war books and posters for information and ideas.

Slogans such as “i want you” and “be ready! Join now” can be used and translated into the poster for social networking. As these slogans are asking for people to join the army or navy, but social networking sites such as twitter and facebook also want people to join up and start using the site. “ Be ready! Join now” could be changed to “Join now! And log in”. For my poster I choose the slogan “im counting on you, dont discuss friend requests, messages and notifications”. These are features of Facebook and therefore I applied it to my poster design. I have thought carefully about using words for the features or draw the icons on my poster. I decided to just draw the icons, as they are very widely well known to 10 – 35 year olds Facebooks target market. And there is then no need to add text to these icons.

The colours I picked for the poster are the same colours as the original however I decided to change their tone and make them bolder so they stand out more and look modern the same era as Facebook. If I picked the original colours and the added the facebook icons, the icons would look out of place as they are from two different time periods.

I did think about changing the layout of the poster however with most of the posters their images being centralised I decided to keep this image centralised too and have the text above and below the image of the poster.

I drew a few designs however decided on my final design very easily as I liked the idea very much. Problems I had to over come during creating the poster was finding a poster the right size for my to copy that wasn’t pixolated. I found a large picture in the internet and managed to copy the picture without any problems. Some of the illustrator techniques I found hard to come to terms with or know how to do, so I had to search for videos online that demonstrate skills for illustrator. Being original was also a task as many poster have been created for the world war 1 and 2, I wanted to create a poster the look very different from the original with different colours and text type however I did try this and research it and the poster wouldn’t have looked as good as the original.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Panoramic Photography

Produce two panoramas for web distribution using a camera with tripod and photoshop for editing and stitching together. The two photographs should be taken myself and have a theme.
Panoramic photography is  the area of photography dedicated to taking pictures with a wide field of view, you can purchase fixed panoramic lens to take these shots, the lens is long and rectangular. Skilled photographers can take a 360-degree panoramic picture. (VR Photography), these are then edited on photoshop and stitched together to then make one picture.
My theme for the Panoramic photographs is open space. This is why I chose to shoot The Level in Brighton and The church area near the north lanes Brighton. Both locations have a nice open space with alot going on around the area. The level had a small fair taking place whilst i shot my pictures, this made it difficult to edit in photoshop.  I enjoyed shooting the level and editing it however i had a few problems one of the problems i had with the level is the tripod I used. When spinning the camera around my tripod moved slightly each time, therefore when I open the pictures up in layers on photoshop the picture wasn’t straight and i had to crop the picture. I learnt from my mistake and this didn’t happen so much with the church garden. Another problem i encountered was the changes in light from the sun. My pictures were very contrasting in lightness and darkness, which made it very difficult to match the entire picture together in contrast. With also limited photoshop experience these techniques were increasingly difficult. I did enjoy the project however and i learnt many new techniques of which I can now apply to other projects and assignments I get set.